description D.J. Bernstein's DNS tools
DJBDNS is a collection of Domain Name System tools. It includes several \
- The dnscache program is a local DNS cache. It accepts recursive DNS \
queries from local clients such as web browsers. It collects responses \
from remote DNS servers. \
- The tinydns program is a fast, UDP-only DNS server. It makes local DNS \
information available to the Internet. \
- The pickdns program is a load-balancing DNS server. It points clients \
to a dynamic selection of IP addresses. \
- The walldns program is a reverse DNS wall. It provides matching reverse \
and forward records while hiding local host information. \
- The dns library handles outgoing and incoming DNS packets. It can be \
used by clients such as web browsers to look up host addresses, host \
names, MX records, etc. It supports asynchronous resolution. \
- The dnsfilter program is a parallel IP-address-to-host-name converter. \
- The dnsip, dnsipq, dnsname, dnstxt, and dnsmx programs are simple \
command-line interfaces to DNS. \
- The dnsq and dnstrace programs are DNS debugging tools.
master_sites ${homepage} \
distfiles-append ${distname}-man-20031023.tar.gz:man
extract.only ${distname}.tar.gz \
checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
md5 3147c5cd56832aa3b41955c7a51cbeb2 \
sha1 2efdb3a039d0c548f40936aa9cb30829e0ce8c3d \
rmd160 a832cbfd93e4ccec6a565492a4ee0b3c1b4b68ed \
${distname}-man-20031023${extract.suffix} \
md5 14d7329cff69f604fac607436eb8485e \
sha1 3bac8a34a4bc681b9a0e603a77fa11492619e3ce \
rmd160 42a5b3305513851dfe1da46df6f405bc81602fbe
depends_run port:daemontools port:ucspi-tcp
patchfiles patch-Makefile \ \
# The build process will create a tinydns executable, so this needs to
# be renamed on case-insensitive file systems
move ${worksrcpath}/TINYDNS ${worksrcpath}/TINYDNS.txt
reinplace "s%/usr/local%${prefix}%" ${worksrcpath}/conf-home
reinplace "s%__DESTROOT%${destroot}%" ${worksrcpath}/hier.c
reinplace "s%__PREFIX%${prefix}%" ${worksrcpath}/hier.c
reinplace "s%/etc/dnsrewrite%${prefix}&%" ${worksrcpath}/dns_rcrw.c setup check
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1
xinstall -m 0644 {*}[glob ${workpath}/${name}-man/*.1] \
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man8
xinstall -m 0644 {*}[glob ${workpath}/${name}-man/*.8] \
xinstall -m 0755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} CHANGES README TINYDNS.txt TODO \
xinstall -m 0644 -W ${workpath}/${name}-man README \
set ipv6_diff ${distname}-test23.diff
variant ipv6 conflicts dumpcache description {Patch in support for IPv6} {
distfiles-append ${ipv6_diff}.bz2:ipv6
checksums-append ${ipv6_diff}.bz2 \
md5 dc35e88e20ffe2670cef5bb4d8a2c183 \
sha1 34251597d211ff00791cb6546e8ef60d75ce5477 \
rmd160 33037f2a41abb49c305f3efec4402c6965c8b8b8