description Cisco router emulator
Dynamips emulates a variety of Cisco routers on a \
traditional PC. It supports the emulation of select 7200, \
3600, 3700, and 2600 series routers. It uses real Cisco \
IOS images (which are not part of this package). Of \
course, this emulator cannot replace a real router. It is \
simply a complementary tool to real labs for administrators \
of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their \
distname dynamips-${version}
checksums md5 0fe1875bb4e7e3624ca420dd75c85279 \
sha1 6f65a2e92f5d27aca9d8608369cb20c9539a8121
depends_lib port:libelf \
# patch.pre_args set to allow use of unmodified idle_pcs patch from developer
build.pre_args-append PREFIX=${prefix} CC=${}
build.env-append CFLAGS="${configure.cc_archflags}"
destroot.pre_args-append PREFIX=${prefix} CC=${}
destroot.env-append CFLAGS="${configure.cc_archflags}"
if {${build_arch} eq "x86_64"} {
} elseif {${build_arch} eq "i386"} {
build.pre_args-append DYNAMIPS_ARCH=${dynamips_arch}
destroot.pre_args-append DYNAMIPS_ARCH=${dynamips_arch}
default_variants +idle_pcs
description {Without support to send/receive external traffic} {
depends_lib-delete port:libpcap
build.pre_args-append HAS_PCAP=0
destroot.pre_args-append HAS_PCAP=0
description {With support for multiple idle-pcs. Uses patch \
written by Yannick Le Teigner available at \} {
patchfiles-append idle_pcs.diff