maintainers {ecronin @ecronin} openmaintainer
description A tcpdump tracefile navigation library
libpcapnav is a libpcap wrapper library that allows navigation to \
arbitrary locations in a tcpdump trace file between reads. The API \
is intentionally much like that of the pcap library. You can navigate \
in trace files both in time and space: you can jump to a packet which \
is at appr. 2/3 of the trace, or you can jump as closely as possible \
to a packet with a given timestamp, and then read packets from there. \
In addition, the API provides convenience functions for manipulating \
master_sites sourceforge:project/netdude/libpcapnav/${version}
checksums md5 005a0a2d6f1164f1212a7c10ab950b36 \
sha1 9f585e8589f289d157732b040f2a213e8b6b239b \
rmd160 f2e48b18d6520935c854a94c26aa3cd95bddb0c6
depends_build port:gtk-doc
move ${worksrcpath}/ ${worksrcpath}/
patchfiles patch-automake-1.13.diff
# build with correct architectures
configure.args --with-pcap-headers=${prefix}/include/pcap \
livecheck.type sourceforge
livecheck.regex /${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}