description Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Spreadsheet - A graphical \
monitoring application that supports external modules \
including Nagios plugins. It supports SNMP when used with \
the Scotty Tcl extensions package.
long_description ${description}
checksums md5 4d05f8135c05d7f39dd0a8868c899897
patchfiles patch-Makefile
depends_lib-append port:nagios-plugins
depends_lib-append port:mysqltcl
depends_lib-append port:R
# Set the location of the moomps resource file to where the moomps port puts it
# reinplace "s|/etc/moomps/rc|${prefix}/etc/moomps/rc|g" \
# "${worksrcpath}/global.tcl"
# When Nagios plugin path is set, '/<plugin_path>/check_' may be ommitted from Nagios check commands
reinplace "s|/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/|${prefix}/libexec/nagios/|g" \
destroot.args-append ROOTDIR=${destroot} \
TCLLIBDIR=${prefix}/lib \
MANDIR=${prefix}/share/man \
DOCDIR=${prefix}/share/doc \
MOODSSLIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/moodss \
To enable the moodss ping module you must activate the ${prefix}/bin/nmicmpd
daemon (a component of the dependent package Scotty). To do this:
1) Edit the /etc/services file as described in ${prefix}/lib/moodss/ping/INSTALL.
2) OS X 10.4 (see below for 10.3) - Load the nmicmpd LaunchD script installed by MacPorts' Scotty dependency.
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.nmicmpd.plist
3) Reboot and test the nmicmpd daemon:
ps -ax |grep nmicmpd (The daemon loads only when requested and unloads afterwards)
Or you may test the ping module within moodss:
Additional instructions for OS X 10.3:
a) A startup item was created in /Library/StartupItems
Add \"NMICMPD=-YES-\" to the /etc/hostconfig file to run nmicmpd at system boot.
b) Add an xinetd entry for nmicmp as described in ${prefix}/lib/moodss/ping/INSTALL.
c) Reboot and test as shown in step 3 above.