description Modular Object Oriented Multi-Purpose Service - A monitoring daemon \
that uses configuration files created by moodss.
long_description Moomps is a monitoring daemon which works using configuration \
files created by the moodss (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic \
SpreadSheet) graphical application. The configuration files \
contain the definition of thresholds, which when crossed, \
create messages in the system log, and can trigger the email \
alert messages or the execution of user defined scripts.
master_sites sourceforge:moodss
checksums md5 24f49a6df9c0701d23f99d62b030d72b
depends_lib port:moodss \
startupitem.start "${prefix}/share/moomps/moomps start"
startupitem.stop "${prefix}/share/moomps/moomps stop"
depends_lib-append port:sqlite3
depends_lib-append port:mysqltcl
TCLSH=${prefix}/bin/tclsh \
MANDIR=${prefix}/share/man \
DOCDIR=${prefix}/share/doc \
MOODSSLIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/moodss \
DATADIR=${prefix}/share/moomps/moofiles \
INITDIR=${prefix}/share/moomps \
MANDIR=${prefix}/share/man \
DOCDIR=${prefix}/share/doc \