description Nestrain messures the throughput on a TCP connection.
long_description NetStrain is a tool to measure practical data \
throughput between two machines over a TCP connection. \
It can be used for performance testing, stress/stability \
testing and to demonstrate various network effects. It \
supports both IPv4 and IPv6, provided the underlying system does.
master_sites sourceforge:project/netstrain/netstrain/${version}
checksums md5 ce04b79ae18c5143991ace8661baadcf
patchfiles patch-net6emuconf.diff
build.args CC="${} [get_canonical_archflags]"
file copy ${worksrcpath}/netstrain ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
file copy ${worksrcpath}/netstraind ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc
file copy ${worksrcpath}/README ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/README.netstrain