description Graphical front end for the netwox toolkbox.
long_description Netwag is a TCL/TK based graphical frontend for the netwox \
network toolbox, based on the netwib library. It allows one to \
easily search amongst tools proposed in netwox and run them, \
construct command line instructions, keep a history of \
master_sites ${homepage}common/netw/${name}/download/v5/ \${name}
distfiles ${distname}-src${extract.suffix} \
checksums ${distname}-src${extract.suffix} md5 af47cdfad4d705bafaaa047909422afb \
${distname}-doc_html${extract.suffix} md5 c6c754608780edcd7a33cd1106d9ae5d
depends_build bin:xterm:xterm
depends_lib bin:wish:tk \
worksrcdir ${distname}-src/src
patchfiles patch-config.dat.diff
reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/config.dat
xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
file copy ${workpath}/${distname}-doc_html ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/html
xinstall -m 644 -v -W ${worksrcpath}/../doc/ changelog.txt credits.txt \
todo.txt ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/
ui_msg "\nFull html documentation is installed as part of the port at:\n