description Weathermap is a network visualisation tool, to take graphs you \
already have and display an overview of your network as a map. \
It supports RRD, MRTG (RRD and old log-format), and tab-delimited \
text files. Other sources are via plugins or external scripts.
long_description ${description}
distfiles php-weathermap-${version}${extract.suffix}
checksums md5 221f64506abc4d6572774b3fd3d2e2a7 \
rmd160 76181bfbf6850157265d1851897ada95007c1898
depends_lib path:bin/perl:perl5 \
set cactidir ${prefix}/share/cacti
set pluginsdir ${cactidir}/plugins
# Set the rrdtool & php paths to point to the MacPorts versions
reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|g" \
${worksrcpath}/weathermap \
reinplace "s|/usr/bin/perl|${prefix}/bin/perl|g" \
file delete ${worksrcpath}/configs/.htaccess
file mkdir ${destroot}${pluginsdir}/weathermap
system "cp -R ${worksrcpath}/* ${destroot}${pluginsdir}/weathermap"
system "chown -R www:www ${destroot}${pluginsdir}/weathermap/"
**** To complete the Network Weathermap installation ****
To complete the Network Weather Map installation follow the steps below. Read the documentation
at for operational instructions.
1) Set the PHP path in ${pluginsdir}/weathermap to point to your PHP binary