# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
description OpenSSH secure login server
long_description OpenSSH is a FREE version of the SSH protocol suite of \
network connectivity tools that increasing numbers of people on the \
Internet are coming to rely on. Many users of telnet, rlogin, ftp, \
and other such programs might not realize that their password is \
transmitted across the Internet unencrypted, but it is. OpenSSH \
encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate \
eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other network-level \
attacks. Additionally, OpenSSH provides a myriad of secure \
tunneling capabilities, as well as a variety of authentication \
homepage http://www.openbsd.org/openssh/
rmd160 486ae743f51ffbf8197d564aab9ae54f9e2ac9da \
sha256 a323caeeddfe145baaa0db16e98d784b1fbc7dd436a6bf1f479dfd5cd1d21723 \
master_sites openbsd:OpenSSH/portable \
ftp://ftp.cise.ufl.edu/pub/mirrors/openssh/portable/ \
if {${name} eq ${subport}} {
depends_lib path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl \
depends_run port:ssh-copy-id
# the HPN patch needs this, so rewrite all other patches to support it, too
patchfiles launchd.patch \
patch-sandbox-darwin.c-apple-sandbox-named-external.diff \
# We need a couple of patches
# getpwnam(3) on OS X always returns "*********" in the pw_passwd field even
# when run as root, so it can't be used for authentication. This patch just
# forces the use of PAM regardless of the configuration.
# - patch-*-apple-sandbox-named-external.diff
# Use Apple's sandbox_init(3) in addition to standard privilege separation.
# This requires a sandbox profile (which we provide) and the sandbox_init(3)
# call before the chroot(2) to privsep-path (${prefix}/var/empty), or it will
# fail to load the sandbox description and libsandbox.1.dylib.
# reinplace prefix in path to sandbox definition added by
# patch-sandbox-darwin.c-apple-sandbox-named-external.diff
reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/sandbox-darwin.c
# strnvis(3) isn't actually "broken". OpenBSD decided to be special and flip
# the order of arguments to strnvis and considers everyone else to be broken.
configure.cppflags-append -DBROKEN_STRNVIS=1
# Use Apple's sandboxing feature
configure.cppflags-append -D__APPLE_SANDBOX_NAMED_EXTERNAL__ \
configure.ldflags-append -Wl,-search_paths_first
configure.args --with-ssl-dir=${prefix} \
--sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/ssh \
--with-privsep-path=/var/empty \
--with-pid-dir=${prefix}/var/run \
--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \