PortSystem 1.0
name packetforward
version 0.8.1
categories net
license BSD
platforms darwin
maintainers nomaintainer
description An IP packet capture/forward application
long_description \
PakcetForward is an IP packet capture/forward application based on libpcap \
and libnet. It is a command line tool that listens on one network \
interface for UDP and TCP packets and then injects them on the same or \
another network interface changing the destination address.
homepage http://www.holdorf.dk/software/downloads/
master_sites ${homepage}
checksums md5 686e70d857d9f0f34f20ed4205912da5 \
sha1 c3faad544315fe9a69725ec119cc1e1749920fff \
rmd160 fd27e891346b386b0785d840924552280bcba8ae
depends_lib port:libpcap port:libnet
worksrcdir ${name}
patchfiles patch-Makefile.diff
post-patch {
reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
use_configure no
build.args CC=${configure.cc}