description network injection and capture
Packit (Packet toolkit) is a network auditing tool. Its value \
is derived from its ability to customize, inject, monitor, and \
manipulate IP traffic. By allowing you to define (spoof) nearly \
all TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, ARP, RARP, and Ethernet header options, \
Packit can be useful in testing firewalls, intrusion \
detection/prevention systems, port scanning, simulating network \
traffic, and general TCP/IP auditing. Packit is also an \
excellent tool for learning TCP/IP.
master_sites ${homepage}downloads/
checksums md5 270594ff97f6c203131136208bb4d2ca
reinplace s|/sw|${prefix}|g ${worksrcpath}/configure
reinplace s|net/bpf.h|pcap-bpf.h|g \
${worksrcpath}/src/globals.h \
depends_lib port:libnet11
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man