license {GPL-2+ OpenSSLException}
description HTTP, FTP and Gopher mirroring tool
Pavuk is UNIX program used to mirror contents of WWW documents or files. \
It transfers documents from HTTP, FTP, Gopher and optionaly from HTTPS \
(HTTP over SSL) servers. Pavuk have optional GUI based on GTK+ widget set.
checksums md5 6204c7a1339433ab32456ccd62126ea9 \
sha1 c7ad9bfd9af60daee606c870d12d3a58dcff1e80 \
rmd160 d15715b792585cf69916f6a8af8b6c6b06dffde8
depends_lib port:zlib port:gettext
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
livecheck.type sourceforge
variant ssl description {Add SSL support (enables connections over HTTPS)} {
depends_lib-append path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl
configure.args-delete --disable-ssl
configure.args-append --with-ssl=openssl