github.setup prometheus prometheus 2.14.0 v
github.tarball_from archive
description The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database
long_description Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and \
alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud. Since \
its inception in 2012, many companies and organizations \
have adopted Prometheus, and the project has a very \
active developer and user community.
maintainers { @herbygillot} openmaintainer
build.env GOPATH=${workpath} \
set prom_conf_dir ${prefix}/etc/${name}
set prom_conf_file ${prom_conf_dir}/prometheus.yml
set prom_data_dir ${prefix}/var/db/${name}
set prom_doc_dir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
set prom_share_dir ${prefix}/share/${name}
set prom_log_dir ${prefix}/var/log/${name}
set prom_log_file ${prom_log_dir}/${name}.log
checksums rmd160 22f7a8eff328b7ac6c1788fb0662f5b67c241b12 \
sha256 5c40de1961997996ef5b59561a78116a9548235bc77305c05f214b6319a0284d \
# Link promu into the workpath
xinstall -d ${workpath}/bin
ln -s ${prefix}/bin/promu ${workpath}/bin/
copy ${filespath}/org.macports.prometheus.plist \
reinplace "s|@NAME@|${name}|g" \