description Remotely administer the file systems of multiple unix machines
long_description A suite of Unix command-line tools and a server \
designed to remotely administer the file systems of \
multiple Unix machines. At its core, radmind \
operates as a tripwire. It is able to detect changes \
to any managed filesystem object, e.g. files, \
directories, links, etc. However, radmind goes \
further than just integrity checking: once a change \
is detected, radmind can optionally reverse the \
checksums md5 62419551c6b83873f10b5eb4462cd007
depends_lib path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl port:zlib
configure.args --mandir='\${prefix}/share/man' \
destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/cert \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/client \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/command \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/file \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/preapply \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/postapply \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/special \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/tmp/file \
${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/tmp/transcript \
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} COPYRIGHT README SPEC \
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/cert
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/client
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/command
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/file
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/preapply
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/postapply
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/special
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/tmp
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/tmp/file
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/tmp/transcript
xinstall -d -m 0750 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/transcript
system "echo 'Place ca.pem & cert.pem files in this directory.' > ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/cert/README"
system "echo 'Place command files in this directory.' > ${destroot}${prefix}/var/radmind/client/README"
# radmind start/stop rc script (if non-Darwin)
if {${os.platform} ne "darwin"} {
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/rc.d
xinstall -m 0755 ${filespath}/ \