This patch causes rsync to report which files caused the unpack_smb_acl()
error, instead of just noting that one happened. This allows the end
use to check the ACL of the reported file by hand.
To use this patch, run these commands for a successful build:
patch -p1 <patches/fileflags.diff
patch -p1 <patches/crtimes.diff
patch -p1 <patches/hfs-compression.diff
patch -p1 <patches/hfs-compression-options.diff
patch -p1 <patches/acls-unpack-error.diff
diff --git a/acls.c b/acls.c
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "get_acl: unpack_smb_acl(%s)", fname);
} else if (no_acl_syscall_error(errno)) {