description Benchmarking tool for analysing TCP and UDP performance
long_description TTCP is a benchmarking tool for determining \
TCP and UDP performance between 2 systems. \
The program was created at the US Army Ballistics Research Lab (BRL) \
and is in the public domain. Feel free to distribute this program \
but please do leave the credit notices in the source and man page intact.
distfiles ttcp.c ttcp.1 README
checksums ttcp.c md5 3d1b75f6116cc246a4def9788ce58c26 \
ttcp.1 md5 01d3a511a05dc8a0669f30c15ebaae82 \
README md5 6b1e5ff6247a9f284f3b58eb651b37a9
system "cd \"${worksrcpath}\" && cc -o ttcp ttcp.c"
system "install ${worksrcpath}/ttcp ${destroot}${prefix}/bin"
system "install ${worksrcpath}/ttcp.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1"
system "install -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/ttcp"
system "install ${worksrcpath}/README ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/ttcp"