# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
maintainers kornel.us:karl openmaintainer
description Kerberos-authenticated secure data management
long_description The wallet is a system for managing secure data, \
authorization rules to retrieve or change that data, \
and audit rules for documenting actions taken on that \
data. Objects of various types may be stored in the \
wallet or generated on request and retrieved by \
authorized users. The wallet tracks ACLs, metadata, \
and trace information. It uses Kerberos \
authentication. One of the object types it supports \
is Kerberos keytabs, making it suitable as a \
user-accessible front-end to Kerberos kadmind with \
richer ACL and metadata operations.
homepage http://eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/
master_sites http://archives.eyrie.org/software/kerberos/ \
checksums rmd160 188b3561fcffe99342fcfb1312b58df3f3d919b5 \
sha256 676d3d6e407509fc9da1dd87d98fadc71920dabfbc4bdeb8cde5e2bc937268b8
# Start with the dependencies we know we need
depends_lib-append port:kerberos5 \
# Add a dependency on Module::Build
if {${perl5.major} != ""} {
depends_lib-append port:p${perl5.major}-module-build
# wallet 1.3 does not support Perl paths other than /usr/bin/perl, nor does it
# support perl binaries not named "perl". The perl/Build.PL script is also
# missing some testing prerequisites.
# Since we are patching autoconf and automake files, we need autoreconf.
patchfiles patch-autogen.diff \
patch-configure.ac.diff \
patch-perl-Build.PL.diff \
patch-portable-system.h.diff \
patch-rename-server-keytab-backend.diff \
patch-rename-server-wallet-admin.diff \
patch-rename-server-wallet-backend.diff \
patch-rename-server-wallet-report.diff \
patch-tests-client-full-t.in.diff \
# Use configure, and pass in the paths to MacPorts kerberos5, remctl, and perl.
configure.args --enable-reduced-depends \
--with-remctl=${prefix} \
PATH_KRB5_CONFIG=${prefix}/bin/krb5-config \