PortSystem 1.0
name caml-heredoc
version 20060107
revision 3
categories ocaml devel
license LGPL-2.1
maintainers nomaintainer
description Heredoc: syntactic sugar for text producing applications
long_description Without any doubt, OCaml is a great langage for Web publishing. \
I used it for a long time to produce my static web pages and more \
recently to write some CGI scripts. \
HereDoc is an attempt to provide syntactic sugar for such applications.
homepage http://www.eleves.ens.fr/home/frisch/soft.html
platforms darwin
master_sites http://www.eleves.ens.fr/home/frisch/info/
checksums md5 b1032fcbb61c42cf0600083181c0a84e \
sha1 cb102e7adf0b2539c86a026f8111f36f2aaa9007
distfiles HereDoc-${version}.tar.gz
worksrcdir HereDoc
livecheck.type regex
livecheck.regex "HereDoc-(.*?).tar.gz"
patchfiles patch-Makefile
depends_lib port:ocaml port:ocaml-findlib
use_configure no
proc ocamlfind_destdir {} {
# only bother calculating this darn thing once
variable ocamlfind_destdir {}
variable destroot
variable prefix
if {![string length $ocamlfind_destdir]} {
set ocamlfind_destdir ${destroot}[exec ${prefix}/bin/ocamlfind printconf destdir]
return $ocamlfind_destdir
pre-destroot {
file mkdir [ocamlfind_destdir]
reinplace s|##PREFIX##|${prefix}| ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
reinplace s|##DESTDIR##|[ocamlfind_destdir]| ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
post-destroot {
xinstall -d [ocamlfind_destdir]/HereDoc/doc/
xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/doc.html [ocamlfind_destdir]/HereDoc/doc/index.html