description pal is a command-line calendar program
long_description pal is a command-line calendar program for Unix/Linux \
systems that can keep track of events. It has \
similarities with the Unix cal command, the more complex \
GNU gcal program, and the calendar program distributed \
master_sites sourceforge:palcal
checksums md5 7585089bc191f083c96234c1c8d05726 \
sha1 f638ec3b47375c65118c2d63138348771c969e56 \
rmd160 f686501b80227e2083c8240d40c1b6383fe93030
depends_build port:pkgconfig
depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 port:gettext port:readline
patchfiles patch-Makefile.diff \
patch-etc-pal-conf.diff \
build.args prefix=${prefix} install-no-rm
destroot.args prefix=${prefix}