# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
perl5.branches 5.26 5.28 5.30
perl5.setup Email-Sender 1.300031
description Email::Sender - a library for sending email
long_description Email::Sender replaces the old and sometimes problematic \
Email::Send library, which did a decent job at handling \
very simple email sending tasks, but was not suitable for \
serious use, for a variety of reasons.
checksums rmd160 e2855da09086f61d79dbca676ea819aecb53457f \
sha256 c412372938510283d8c850127895e09c2b670f892e1c3992fd54c0c1a9064f14
if {${perl5.major} != ""} {
port:p${perl5.major}-capture-tiny \
port:p${perl5.major}-sub-override \
port:p${perl5.major}-email-abstract \
port:p${perl5.major}-email-address \
port:p${perl5.major}-email-simple \
port:p${perl5.major}-list-moreutils \
port:p${perl5.major}-module-runtime \
port:p${perl5.major}-moo \
port:p${perl5.major}-moox-types-mooselike \
port:p${perl5.major}-net \
port:p${perl5.major}-sub-exporter \
port:p${perl5.major}-throwable \