homepage http://truffula.com/rlpr/
master_sites ${homepage} ftp://www.truffula.com/pub/
checksums md5 c3192d0e84ccae432e754640f6003478
description Tools to spool to remote printers without modifying printcap
long_description rlpr includes versions of lpr, lpq and lprm that permit \
printing to remote printers without modifying the system printcap.
depends_lib port:gettext port:libiconv
file attributes ${worksrcpath}/src/rlprrc.h -permissions +w
reinplace s,/etc,${prefix}/etc, ${worksrcpath}/src/rlprrc.h
foreach file [glob ${worksrcpath}/man/*.\[15\]] {
file attributes $file -permissions +w
reinplace s,/etc/rlprrc,${prefix}/etc/rlprrc, $file