set branch [join [lrange [split $version .] 0 1] .]
description Python binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB - Default branch.
long_description PyORBit is a Python binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB. It \
was developped to suit the needs of the bonobo bindings \
in GNOME-Python, but is usable for other purposes as well. \
It aims to follow the standard Python language mapping for \
CORBA. It can generate stubs at runtime from typelibs, IDL \
files, or by introspecting remote objects using ORBit2's \
IModule typelib capabilities.
master_sites gnome:sources/${my_name}/${branch}/
distname ${my_name}-${version}
checksums md5 574593815e75ee6e98062c75d6d1581f \
sha1 f9877ce9672ed3c3d001b86924f1b6514a79efc9 \
rmd160 55aa1c3ac0739d398d8e9bbda93ef36f7c659360
depends_lib-append port:python27
depends_lib-append port:python26
depends_build port:pkgconfig
depends_lib-append port:orbit2
set python.prefix ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion}
patchfiles patch-configure.diff
reinplace "s|@@PYTHON_PREFIX@@|${python.prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
configure.args --includedir=${python.prefix}/include/python${pyversion}
configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python${pyversion}
move ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig ${destroot}${python.prefix}/lib ${my_name}
# py-orbit was previously for python 2.4
depends_lib port:py27-orbit
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
system "echo This port is a stub. > ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/README"