# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
github.setup pyFFTW pyFFTW 0.10.4 v
maintainers {aronnax @lpsinger} openmaintainer
description pythonic python wrapper around FFTW
A pythonic wrapper around FFTW, the FFT library, presenting a unified \
interface for all the supported transforms.
checksums rmd160 356eee0df579b256d81c9f1222503ad3d811eec4 \
sha256 c8644ccdf3ca222efa941e781adf1f21a488d8edb70c476d8df37ff6b0699d9d
python.versions 27 34 35 36
if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
depends_lib-append port:py${python.version}-setuptools \
port:py${python.version}-numpy \
# Ignore pyfftw repo's tags that have names like like "v0.10.1_docs"
github.livecheck.regex {([0-9.^"]+)}