PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup ruby 1.0
ruby.setup bee 0.5.1 gem {} rubygems
categories-append devel
license Apache
platforms darwin freebsd
maintainers nomaintainer
description Bee is a build tool running YAML files
long_description Bee is a build tool running YAML files. \
These build files have a clean syntax à la Ant \
and run as fast as make. They are made of shell \
commands, Ruby code or Bee tasks for platform \
independent builds.
checksums md5 502d8091613409c3c8de1667ac501c7e \
sha1 f6b13b22a01512649a8b6b8c625dde5a1433057d \
rmd160 fa044db0632b3711e0b715e2d83364ea1ef3d772
depends_run port:rb-archive-tar-minitar port:rb-zip
universal_variant no