ruby.setup captcha 0.1.2 gem {} rubygems
description Ruby/CAPTCHA is an implementation of the 'Completely \
Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and \
long_description CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing \
Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart." This module \
provides classes that allow web sites to use randomly \
generated images, in concert with randomly generated \
keys and encrypted digests, to do such things such as \
preventing automated registrations.
checksums md5 77897ea8b0f6a6cbcd5ca9c468be21d2 \
sha1 aeec0ddaf7a1884610d9a217817adc9541cf3923 \
rmd160 77d6b3bb5093d6608bb1505d7d144cbc5e6e0077