ruby.setup {gnome ruby-gnome2} 1.1.3 fetch \
maintainers {kimuraw @kimuraw}
description Ruby-GNOME2 meta port. Ruby-GNOME2 is a set of Ruby \
language bindings for the GNOME 2.0 development environment.
long_description Ruby-GNOME2 meta port. Ruby-GNOME2 is a set of Ruby \
language bindings for the GNOME 2.0 development environment.
depends_lib-append port:rb-glib2 port:rb-atk port:rb-pango port:rb-gtk2 \
port:rb-rsvg port:rb-poppler
# rb-gtksourceview2 gtksourceview2 build problem #27923
distname ${ruby.project}-all-${version}
checksums md5 8fa5a2b35f45df722df599fb0765b069 \
rmd160 7f78bd36632bf5547000a92304cefd368da9ad98 \
sha1 f99af53f020136a1e1162e97c792343cd97a9a45
# install only some documents