ruby.setup haml-edge 2.3.251 gem
description Haml and Sass: markup languages for HTML and CSS (bleeding edge)
Haml is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe \
the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code. Haml \
functions as a replacement for inline page templating systems such as \
PHP, ASP, and ERB, the templating language used in most Ruby on Rails \
applications. However, Haml avoids the need for explicitly coding HTML \
into the template, because it itself is a description of the HTML, with \
some code to generate dynamic content. \
Sass is CSS, plus nested rules, variables, mixins, and more, all in a \
concise, readable syntax. Haml also contains Sass.
checksums md5 649a903fd30b12513f97403e2b45b102 \
sha1 143d032ef3a1a7920b39d370ca5832179065523c \
rmd160 97bba5374c52d8b75985ed130405041351474b62