PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup ruby 1.0
ruby.setup nanoc3 3.1.3 gem
revision 1
maintainers nomaintainer
description A Ruby site compiler that produces static HTML
long_description \
nanoc is a tool for building static web sites. It can transform content \
from one format (e.g. Haml or Markdown) into another (usually HTML) and \
lay out pages so that the site’s look and feel is consistent across all pages.
categories-append www
license MIT
platforms darwin
homepage http://nanoc.stoneship.org/
master_sites http://rubygems.org/downloads/
checksums md5 143f3d8d6c1d3ccd918e40855214a102 \
sha1 db297437d225d5432d79bdfe97337316cbb4ba5b \
rmd160 9354c030c83aff594eb997fd7a6800d651ac2bf8
depends_run-append port:rb-cri