PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup ruby 1.0
ruby.setup RedCloth 4.2.9 gem {} rubygems ruby19
name rb19-redcloth
description Textile for Ruby
long_description \
RedCloth is a module for using the Textile markup language in Ruby. \
Textile is a simple text format that can be converted to HTML, \
eliminating the need to use HTML directly to create documents, blogs, \
or web pages.
maintainers nomaintainer
categories-append textproc
license MIT
platforms darwin
checksums rmd160 539772118e68a4faafafc2505e12602253038d60 \
sha256 b4cf450a8868ca00a48d6ea43346d75dac183a8590774dd5590f4e967d87ea1a