ruby.setup wirble 0.1.3 gem {} rubygems ruby19
description Handful of common Irb features, made easy.
Wirble is a set of enhancements for Irb. Basically, it allows you to \
fill Irb with useful features without turning your ~/.irbic file into \
Swiss cheese. Wirble includes tab-completion, history, and a built-in \
ri command, as well as colorized results and a couple other goodies.
checksums md5 47877f7e67c12b1782aca39f997078fb \
sha1 d84f86dcb75aa9f181fd3b2d2a57ef1ff47e7f01 \
rmd160 a254664046c7c1c1a6ee2a222aba990ab3e06a2d
set gemdir ${destroot}${ruby.gemdir}/gems/${worksrcdir}
set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${ruby.module}
xinstall -W ${gemdir} README ChangeLog _irbrc ${docdir}