# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
github.setup tschaume ckon 0.7.1 v
description automatic build tool for ROOT software
long_description ckon is a C++ program/tool which automatically takes care \
of compilation, dictionary generation and linking of \
programs and libraries developed for data analyses within \
the CERN ROOT analysis framework. This includes parsing \
include headers to figure out which libraries the main \
programs need to be linked to. It uses automake/autoconf to \
be platform independent and GNU install compliant. \
In addition, m4 macros are automatically downloaded and \
the according compiler flags included based on a list of boost \
libraries provided in the config file. For the purpose of \
YAML database usage, a m4 macro can be downloaded during \
setup to link against the yaml-cpp library.
homepage https://tschaume.github.io/ckon/
checksums rmd160 283a04b2a36744a53b1125128dcb17853e23ef66 \
sha256 829b9a4b53832be7bdd2b6491c5863de2f7df5e1c0d2706afda816ae936b492d
configure.args-append --disable-silent-rules \
--with-boost-filesystem \