# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
github.setup SAOImageDS9 SAOImageDS9 8.1 v
categories science graphics
maintainers {aronnax @lpsinger}
description SAOImage DS9 astronomical imaging and visualization application
SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization \
application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame \
buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It \
provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly \
configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.
# The GPL and OpenSSL licenses conflict with each other, and our build
# dependency on cmake results in an indirect dependency on OpenSSL.
# However, there is no real conflict in the case of LALSuite because OpenSSL
# is only used to run cmake.
license_noconflict openssl
homepage http://ds9.si.edu/
checksums rmd160 ef2121bf3953df204c6c3a98b5a8e6222a969135 \
sha256 11d17fe3cb2895c419ac6dbcf53cadc2d9603b3d96c9a5209b1fc2ac2123db7d \
depends_build-append port:autoconf
depends_lib-append port:ast \
patchfiles 0001-Use-MacPorts-share-directory-instead-of-zipfs.patch \
0002-Use-CXX-to-build-tksao-C-files.patch \
0003-Use-openssl-1.0-from-MacPorts-instead-of-bundled-ope.patch \
# FIXME: Prefix has to be embedded in source and Makefiles in some places.
reinplace "s|@macports_prefix@|${prefix}|g" \
${worksrcpath}/ds9/macos/Makefile.in \
${worksrcpath}/ds9/unix/Makefile.in \
${worksrcpath}/ds9/unix/ds9.C \
${worksrcpath}/ds9/library/ds9.tcl \