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categories science graphics
description software for training SExtractor's retina
long_description Eye stands for Enhance your Extraction: software for \
training SExtractor's retina. The retina expands the possibility \
offered by traditional convolution (e.g. matched filtering) to \
the non-linear domain. A neural network, connected to pixels of a \
moving window (retina) in one or several input image(s), \
is trained to associate these stimuli to the corresponding response \
in one or several model image(s). The resulting filter can \
then be loaded in SExtractor to operate complex, wildly \
non-linear filters on astronomical images. Typical applications \
of this system include adaptive filtering, feature detection and \
homepage http://www.astromatic.net/software/eye/
master_sites ftp://ftp.iap.fr/pub/from_users/bertin/eye/
checksums md5 6c8be5b9f1b233343d5b500c2073f58c \
sha1 73815581cb93c6c579f4a8c8de88f274890439e9 \
rmd160 886d85638f099276d393dd14c841efb41c06d50a
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