PortGroup xcodeversion 1.0
categories science graphics x11
maintainers {raphael @raphael-st} openmaintainer
description interactive 3D viewing program
long_description Geomview is an interactive 3D viewing program for Unix. \
It lets you view and manipulate 3D objects: you use the \
mouse to rotate, translate, zoom in and out, etc. It \
can be used as a standalone viewer for static objects \
or as a display engine for other programs which produce \
dynamically changing geometry. It can display objects \
described in a variety of file formats. It comes with a \
wide selection of example objects, and you can create \
homepage http://www.geomview.org/
master_sites sourceforge:project/geomview/geomview/${version}
checksums rmd160 fa1b3387e096b841e8c3981ffa8d28cb3d912829 \
sha256 dd1c2c55fb034c947792c726e241505503a896dcc609a7d51506fd47f0025402
patchfiles patch-iobuffer.c.diff
configure.args --without-opengl \
--with-htmlbrowser=open \
depends_lib port:openmotif \
minimum_xcodeversions {9 3.1}
set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} \
variant opengl description {Use OpenGL} {
configure.args-delete --without-opengl
configure.args-append --with-opengl=${prefix}
depends_lib-append port:mesa port:libGLU