# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
github.setup anastas gr-cdma 91067d780e907a1a8d9df53077460aac2ff09f15
checksums rmd160 99c26aa048e690a4b11e10423baba5c9921db5c7 \
sha256 18ba151aa085aeb9cdc8fc5329f51d1d4af012c1bc58a1a303fe0911809752a9
# allow gr-cdma to work with both gnuradio and gnuradio-devel ...
depends_lib-append path:lib/libgnuradio-runtime.dylib:gnuradio
# ... but not with gnuradio-next
if {![catch {set installed [lindex [registry_active gnuradio-next] 0]}]} {
# gnuradio-next is installed; this version of gr-cdma does not work with gnuradio-next
ui_msg "\nError: ${name} requires the gnuradio or gnuradio-devel port, and will not work with the gnuradio-next port. deactivate gnuradio-next, and then install or activate gnuradio or gnuradio-devel.\n"
return -code error "Invalid port dependency: gnuradio-next"
maintainers {michaelld @michaelld} openmaintainer
description Provides augmented functionality for GNU Radio: a code-division multiple (user) access (CDMA) physical layer.
long_description ${description}
depends_build-append port:pkgconfig
depends_lib-append port:boost
# do VPATH (out of source tree) build
# patch to fix what is installed and where
patchfiles-append patch-installs.diff
reinplace "s|@PYTHON_HOME@|${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cdma|g" ${worksrcpath}/python/cdma_parameters.py
# remove top-level library path, such that internal libraries are used
# instead of any already-installed ones.
configure.ldflags-delete -L${prefix}/lib
# specify the Python dependencies
# specify the Python version to use