"1.60.0" "1.60" "1.61.0" "1.61" "1.62.0" "1.62" "1.63.0" "1.63" "1.64.0" "1.64"
"1.65.0" "1.65" "1.66.0" "1.66" "1.67.0" "1.67" "1.68.0" "1.68" "1.69.0" "1.69"
-find_package(Boost "1.35" COMPONENTS filesystem system)
+find_package(Boost "1.35" COMPONENTS thread filesystem system)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Boost required to compile lora")
# Find gnuradio build dependencies
# Search for GNU Radio and its components and versions. Add any
# components required to the list of GR_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS (in all
find_package(Gnuradio "3.7.2" REQUIRED)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "CppUnit required to compile lora")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "CppUnit required to compile gr-lora")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Volk required to compile gr-lora")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Liquid-DSP required to compile gr-lora")
option(ENABLE_DOXYGEN "Build docs using Doxygen" ON)
# Set component parameters
+++ b/cmake/Modules/FindLiquid-DSP.cmake
+# Find the Liquid-DSP includes and library
+# LIQUID_DSP_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the main Liquid-DSP header
+# LIQUID_DSP_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against to use Liquid-DSP.
+# LIQUID_DSP_FOUND, If false, do not try to use Liquid-DSP.
+ HINTS ${LIQUID_DIR}/include