# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortGroup linear_algebra 1.0
maintainers {dstrubbe @dstrubbe}
description High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark
long_description See how your machine compares to the TOP500! \
HPL is a software package that solves a (random) dense linear \
system in double-precision (64-bit) arithmetic on \
distributed-memory computers. It can thus be regarded as a \
portable as well as freely available implementation of the \
High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark.
homepage http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/hpl
checksums rmd160 02910b59a5a4378125b508b0a85013c998c35c74 \
sha256 32c5c17d22330e6f2337b681aded51637fb6008d3f0eb7c277b163fadd612830 \
mpi.setup require -fortran
# patch enables parallel build
patchfiles patch-Makefile.diff
file copy ${worksrcpath}/setup/Make.FreeBSD_PIV_CBLAS ${worksrcpath}/Make.${archname}
build.args ARCH=${archname} TOPdir=${worksrcpath} MPlib=
build.target all-j arch=${archname}
xinstall ${worksrcpath}/bin/${archname}/xhpl ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/hpl
xinstall ${worksrcpath}/bin/${archname}/HPL.dat ${destroot}${prefix}/share/hpl/
xinstall ${worksrcpath}/TUNING ${destroot}${prefix}/share/hpl/
build.args-append CC=${mpi.cc} LINKER=${mpi.cc} LAlib="${linalglib}"
if {![catch {sysctl hw.ncpu} result]} {