# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
description LSC Algorithm Library - Burst
LIGO Scientific Collaboration Algorithm Library - Burst, containing \
routines for burst gravitational wave data analysis.
checksums rmd160 498a8604b115e2212166522876ad6a39fe7d67ba \
sha256 2918c61c8c767bfa1fc2d439e9b7ca15e0e7a186ec045a6b563f9dcb6c1a1ca2 \
# add Python dependencies for python subports
if {[string match "py*" ${subport}]} {
set numbers [regexp -all -inline -- {[0-9]+} ${subport}]
set v [lindex ${numbers} 0]
# python, C-library port, and numpy are automatically added below
depends_lib port:py${v}-lal port:py${v}-lalmetaio port:py${v}-lalsimulation \
port:py${v}-scipy port:py${v}-lscsoft-glue
# add Octave dependencies for octave subports
if {[string match "octave-*" ${subport}]} {
# octave, and C-library port are automatically added below
depends_lib port:octave-lal port:octave-lalmetaio port:octave-lalsimulation
### Everything below this line is common to all LALSuite ports. ###############
maintainers {aronnax @lpsinger}
# The GPL and OpenSSL licenses conflict with each other, and our build
# dependency on Python results in an indirect dependency on OpenSSL.
# However, there is no real conflict in the case of LALSuite because Python
# is used (1) as an interpreter to run part of the build and (2) as a
# separately installed interpreter that is invoked when the user runs some of
license_noconflict openssl
homepage https://wiki.ligo.org/Computing/DASWG/LALSuite
master_sites http://software.ligo.org/lscsoft/source/lalsuite