set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
description macromolecular coordinate library
long_description MMDB is designed to assist developers in working \
with macromolecular coordinate files. The library \
handles both PDB and mmCIF format files. \
The Library also features an internal binary \
format, portable between different platforms. This \
is achieved at uniformity of the Library's \
interface functions, so that there is no \
difference in handling different formats. \
MMDB provides various high-level tools for working \
with coordinate files, including reading and \
writing, orthogonal-fractional transforms, \
generation of symmetry mates, editing the \
molecular structure and more.
checksums md5 5ca1159317409bf5398a5a8489b42b22 \
sha256 bcdd9cdb58934a2e28e2a599d6b18f3c10fb90eb86b969eaa39901925c17bd0d
depends_build port:gawk port:gsed