# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortGroup active_variants 1.1
categories science chemistry
maintainers {gmail.com:howarth.at.macports @jwhowarth} openmaintainer
description Molecular graphics system
long_description PyMOL is a molecular graphics system with an embedded Python interpreter \
designed for real-time visualization and rapid generation of high-quality \
molecular graphics images and animations.
homepage http://www.pymol.org/
svn.url https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pymol/code/trunk/pymol
variant python27 conflicts python34 python35 python36 description {Use Python 2.7} {}
variant python34 conflicts python27 python35 python36 description {Use Python 3.4} {}
variant python35 conflicts python27 python34 python36 description {Use Python 3.5} {}
variant python36 conflicts python27 python34 python35 description {Use Python 3.6} {}
if {[variant_isset python34]} {
python.default_version 34
} elseif {[variant_isset python35]} {
python.default_version 35
} elseif {[variant_isset python36]} {
python.default_version 36
default_variants +python27
python.default_version 27
depends_lib-append port:freeglut \
port:py${python.version}-numpy \
port:py${python.version}-pmw \
port:py${python.version}-pyqt5 \
port:py${python.version}-scipy \
port:py${python.version}-tkinter \
depends_run port:xdpyinfo