homepage http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/
description UNIX version of the Seti@home client
long_description setiathome is the UNIX version of the SETI@home client. \
It downloads radio telescope data from a network server, \
analyzes the data looking for signals of extraterrestrial \
origin, and uploads results to the server, repeating this \
checksums md5 40c17734b40d2c47aad3a82e1b7ffc18
master_sites http://master.us.finkmirrors.net/distfiles/md5/[lindex ${checksums} 1]/
distname ${name}-${version}.powerpc-apple-darwin1.2
# use_tar is new in MacPorts 2.5.0.
if {[info command use_tar] eq "use_tar"} {
patchfiles patch-README.diff
pre-destroot { system "mv ${worksrcpath}/README ${worksrcpath}/${name}.1" }
destroot { file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/${name}
file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1
file copy ${worksrcpath}/setiathome \
file copy ${worksrcpath}/${name}.1 \
# Notify the user where is the binary
post-install { ui_msg "\n###################################"
ui_msg "${name} has been installed into:\n"
ui_msg "${prefix}/libexec/${name}\n"
ui_msg "as ${name} creates a bunch of"
ui_msg "So you should launch it within that"
ui_msg "###################################\n"