variant read_extraformats2 description {compiles additional data reads: Bauswein, UCLA, vanaverbeke data read (bsplash, usplash, vsplash)} conflicts read_extraformats1 {
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
categories science graphics
maintainers { @danieljprice}
description Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics visualisation tool
long_description SPLASH is a tool for visualisation of (mainly astrophysical) \
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations
master_sites ${homepage}/releases/
checksums rmd160 1eef9c352ae507c4c8f233431a909bfc5a7fdc06 \
sha256 de06b159846bd20717a55ec7cc9420e0fd86ab38dc66dc74b1f61b77b4d24fce
compilers.setup require_fortran -g95 -gcc44 -clang
build.args SYSTEM=gfortran CC=${} FC=${configure.fc} PREFIX=${prefix}
destroot.args PREFIX=${prefix}
variant giza description {use giza as the backend graphics library} conflicts pgplot {
depends_lib-append port:giza
build.args-append X11DIR=${prefix} X11LIBS='-L${prefix}/lib -lX11'
variant pgplot description {use PGPLOT as the backend graphics library} conflicts giza {
depends_lib-append port:pgplot
build.env-append PGPLOT_DIR=${prefix}/lib \
build.args-append BACKEND=pgplot
build.args-append FC="${configure.fc}" \
build.args-append CC=${} FC=${configure.fc}
variant hdf5 description {compiles data reads that depend on HDF5} {
build.args-append gadgethdf5 amuse_hdf5 HDF5ROOT=${prefix}
depends_lib-append port:hdf5
variant h5part description {compiles H5Part data read} {
build.args-append h5part HDF5ROOT=${prefix} H5PART_DIR=${prefix} H5PART_LIBS="-L${prefix}/lib -lH5Part"
depends_lib-append port:H5Part