--- dssp/DsspCompileGCC.orig 2006-04-04 06:53:36.000000000 -0500
+++ dssp/DsspCompileGCC 2010-12-18 02:16:10.000000000 -0600
echo "Running script to compile the CMBI version of DSSP, please wait..."
-gcc -c -O -Wall -DGCC AccSurf.c
-gcc -c -O -Wall -DGCC CalcAccSurf.c
-gcc -c -O -Wall -DGCC Contacts.c
-gcc -c -O -Wall -DGCC Date.c
-gcc -c -O -Wall -DGCC DsspCMBI.c
-gcc -c -O -Wall -DGCC Vector.c
-gcc -c -O -Wall -DGCC p2clib.c
-gcc -static -o dsspcmbi DsspCMBI.o p2clib.o Date.o Vector.o AccSurf.o CalcAccSurf.o Contacts.o -lm
+${CC} -c -O3 -Wall -DGCC AccSurf.c
+${CC} -c -O3 -Wall -DGCC CalcAccSurf.c
+${CC} -c -O3 -Wall -DGCC Contacts.c
+${CC} -c -O3 -Wall -DGCC Date.c
+${CC} -c -O3 -Wall -DGCC DsspCMBI.c
+${CC} -c -O3 -Wall -DGCC Vector.c
+${CC} -c -O3 -Wall -DGCC p2clib.c
+${CC} -o dsspcmbi DsspCMBI.o p2clib.o Date.o Vector.o AccSurf.o CalcAccSurf.o Contacts.o -lm
echo "Type dsspcmbi PDBSourcefile DSSPDestinationfile to run the program..."
--- Makefile_whatcheck.orig 2010-08-10 07:40:36.000000000 -0500
+++ Makefile_whatcheck 2010-12-18 02:16:10.000000000 -0600
# Automatically created by DO_INSTALL.SH
-OPTFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -m32 -Wsurprising
-LIBS= -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lm -lcrypt
+OPTFLAGS=-O3 -Wall -Wsurprising
+LIBS= -L@PREFIX@/lib -lX11 -lm
-INCLUDES= -I/usr/X11R6/include -I.
-F77=g77 -xf77-cpp-input -Wsurprising
+INCLUDES= -I@PREFIX@/include -I.
+F77=@F77@ -xf77-cpp-input -Wsurprising -fbackslash
# End-Of-Configuration: Do not delete this line!!!
@echo please ignore error message and re-execute make
-SRCFILES = $(addprefix ../whatif/src/, $(OBJECTS:%.o=%.f))
+SRCFILES = $(addprefix ., $(OBJECTS:%.o=%.f))
DSTFILES = $(notdir $(SRCFILES:%.f=%.F))
sed -r "s/^[Cc].+//" $< | g77 -xf77-cpp-input -E $(DEFINES) - | sed -r "s/^#.+//" > $@
%.INC: ../whatif/src/%.INC
cat $(DSTFILES) > obfuscated.f
- gcc $(DEFINES) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(CC) -O3 -I /usr/include $(DEFINES) -c -o $@ $<