# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
description A library for X-ray matter interaction cross sections
long_description ${name} provides an API with over 50 functions designed \
to provide convenient access to databases with cross \
sections (photoelectric, Compton, Rayleigh, XRF etc.), \
line energies, edge energies, fluorescence yields, \
scattering factors, refractive indices, Compton profiles \
etc. Bindings exist for Perl, Python, Java, Fortran, IDL, \
homepage http://ftp.esrf.eu/pub/scisoft/xraylib/readme.html
master_sites http://lvserver.ugent.be/xraylib/ \
checksums rmd160 b3d9194b05d8329eb80c6187dfabf48e5bbe458e \
sha256 a734a0ea7b8224918f4e2105a4cf6c63664f257c1940a4c633beedf470d1576b
configure.args --disable-idl \
# to be fixed in later versions of xraylib...
perl5.conflict_variants yes
perl5.default_branch 5.26
perl5.create_variants ${perl5.branches}
if {[variant_isset perl5_26]} {
configure.perl ${perl5.bin}
configure.args-delete --disable-perl
configure.args-append --enable-perl --enable-perl-integration
depends_build-append port:swig-perl
variant python27 description {Python 2.7 bindings} conflicts python34 {
configure.args-append --enable-python --enable-python-integration --enable-python-numpy PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
configure.args-delete --disable-python --disable-python-numpy