# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
github.setup dfoxfranke libaes_siv 1.0.0 v
categories security devel
maintainers {fwright.net:fw @fhgwright} openmaintainer
description A C implementation of AES-SIV
long_description This is an RFC5297-compliant C implementation of AES-SIV, \
written by Daniel Franke on behalf of Akamai Technologies \
and published under the Apache License (v2.0). It uses \
OpenSSL for the underlying AES and CMAC implementations \
and follows a similar interface style.
# This project's release tarballs are in the 'archive' subdirectory.
# Using the default master_sites gets a slightly different tarball.
github.master_sites ${github.homepage}/archive/${git.branch}
checksums rmd160 c9e247100cb462650a16bd18aee05677adca8751 \
sha256 a974406dc3e3addbecdc0f0c1e2050bede1c7b4394595e9536094a87dac617c9 \
variant doc description {Build manpages (depends on asciidoc)} {
depends_build-append port:asciidoc
if {![variant_isset doc]} {
configure.args-append -DDISABLE_DOCS=1
# NOTE: doesn't work with libressl
depends_lib-append port:openssl
patchfiles patch-cmake.diff
# NOTE: upstream code doesn't build correctly out of source