homepage http://tcpcrypt.org/
description encrypt (almost) all of your network traffic
Tcpcrypt is a protocol that attempts to encrypt (almost) all of your \
network traffic. Unlike other security mechanisms, Tcpcrypt works out of \
the box: it requires no configuration, no changes to applications, and \
your network connections will continue to work even if the remote end \
does not support Tcpcrypt, in which case connections will gracefully fall \
back to standard clear-text TCP. Install Tcpcrypt and you'll feel no \
difference in your every day user experience, but yet your traffic will \
be more secure and you'll have made life much harder for hackers.
git.url git://github.com/sorbo/${real_name}.git
git.branch 07d75864a38d853316d4
build.dir ${worksrcpath}/user
depends_lib path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl
set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${real_name}
set datadir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${real_name}
set libdir ${destroot}${prefix}/lib
set sbindir ${destroot}${prefix}/sbin
xinstall -d ${docdir} ${datadir}
xinstall {*}[glob ${build.dir}/lib/*.dylib] ${libdir}
xinstall -W ${build.dir} ${real_name}/tcpcryptd ${sbindir}
xinstall -W ${build.dir} launch_tcpcryptd.sh ${datadir}
xinstall -m 640 {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/README*] ${docdir}
reinplace -E "s|^TCPCRYPTD=.+$|TCPCRYPTD=${prefix}/sbin/tcpcryptd|" ${datadir}/launch_tcpcryptd.sh
startupitem.name ${real_name}
startupitem.start "${prefix}/share/${real_name}/launch_tcpcryptd.sh"