--- configure.orig 2012-05-06 15:21:11.000000000 +0200
+++ configure 2012-05-06 15:25:57.000000000 +0200
if (test $found -eq 0) then
echo 'ERROR: grep utility not found';
- echo 'Enter location of executable:';
- if (test -x "$grepexe") then
- echo \$GREP_EXE = \'$grepexe\'\; >> $conf;
- echo 'grep was not found (try again):';
if (test $found -eq 0) then
echo 'ERROR: file utility not found';
- echo 'Enter location of executable:';
- if (test -x "$fileexe") then
- echo \$FILE_EXE = \'$filexe\'\; >> $conf;
- echo 'file was not found (try again):';
if (test $found -eq 0) then
echo 'ERROR: md5/md5sum utility not found';
- echo 'Enter location of executable:';
- if (test -x "$md5exe") then
- echo \$MD5_EXE = \'$md5exe\'\; >> $conf;
- echo 'md5 was not found (try again):';
if (test $found -eq 0) then
echo 'Sleuth Kit tools were not found in the standard install locations.'
echo 'If you have not installed them, do so now and configure autopsy again.'
- echo 'If you have installed them in a non-standard location, then'
- echo ' enter the "bin" directory now:'
- if ((test -x ${tskdir}/fls) && (test -x ${tskdir}/ffind) && (test -x ${tskdir}/blkstat) && \
- (test -x ${tskdir}/blkls) && (test -x ${tskdir}/blkcat) && \
- (test -x ${tskdir}/mmls) && (test -x ${tskdir}/mmstat) && \
- (test -x ${tskdir}/fsstat) && (test -x ${tskdir}/img_stat) && \
- (test -x ${tskdir}/istat) && (test -x ${tskdir}/ifind) && \
- (test -x ${tskdir}/icat) && (test -x ${tskdir}/ils) && \
- (test -x ${tskdir}/srch_strings) && \
- (test -x ${tskdir}/mactime) && (test -x ${tskdir}/sorter)) then
- echo \$TSKDIR = \'${tskdir}\'\; >> $conf;
- echo 'TSK tools were not found or incomplete (try again):';
# Test for latest version
echo 'Autopsy saves configuration files, audit logs, and output to the'
echo 'Evidence Locker directory.'
-echo 'Enter the directory that you want to use for the Evidence Locker:';
-if (test -d "${locker}") then
- echo " $locker already exists"