description tool to copy a stream of data and print a progress bar
long_description Bar is a simple tool to copy a stream of data and print a \
display for the user on stderr showing the ammount of data \
passed, the throughput of the data transfer, and the transfer \
time, or, if the total size of the data stream is known, the \
estimated time remaining, what percentage of the data transfer \
has been completed, and a progress bar.
master_sites sourceforge:project/clpbar/clpbar/bar-${version}
worksrcdir bar-${version}
checksums rmd160 1bce804b7aa448f2a5c031d807b239298b26be50 \
sha256 fa0f5ec5c8400316c2f4debdc6cdcb80e186e668c2e4471df4fec7bfcd626503
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
livecheck.regex /bar_(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}