PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup gnu_info 1.0
name ddrescue
version 1.23
categories sysutils
platforms darwin
license GPL-2+
maintainers {raimue @raimue}
description GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool.
long_description \
${description} It copies data from one file or block device (hard disc, \
cdrom, etc) to another, trying hard to rescue data in case of \
read errors.
master_sites gnu:ddrescue
use_lzip yes
checksums rmd160 2286697f04da9d1d11027fc29967eaee700179a0 \
sha256 a9ae2dd44592bf386c9c156a5dacaeeb901573c9867ada3608f887d401338d8d \
size 82451
configure.args CXX=${configure.cxx}