# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
homepage http://www.freeradius.org/
distname ${name}-server-${version}
description Free Radius Implementation
long_description The FreeRADIUS Server Project is an attempt to create \
a high-performance and highly-configurable GPLd free \
RADIUS server. The server is similar to Livingston's \
2.0 server. FreeRADIUS is a variant of the Cistron \
RADIUS server, but they don't share a lot in common \
master_sites ftp://ftp.freeradius.org/pub/freeradius/ \
checksums rmd160 08484efe48c911ca1943d5490d05e0c36cb7bb95 \
sha256 ddba3b682dfba8153b656a090335d4630bbef04c3aa78216630ad0079589d6af
depends_lib port:libtool \
path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl \
patchfiles patch-configure.in.diff
configure.args --with-openssl-includes=${prefix}/include/openssl \
--with-openssl-libraries=${prefix}/lib \
configure.cflags-append -I${prefix}/include
destroot.env-append R=${destroot}
variant kerberos description { Use Kerberos } {
depends_lib-append port:kerberos5
configure.args-delete --without-rlm_krb5
variant mysql5 conflicts mysql51 mysql55 mysql56 mariadb percona description {Build with MySQL support using mysql5} {
depends_lib-append port:mysql5
--with-mysql-lib-dir=${prefix}/lib/mysql5/mysql \